Adjacent Meridian Point,
Co Wicklow
A63 V1F8
Saturday 5th October | 2.30pm to 4.00pm (plus book signing) | Age: 9+
To close our festival, we have not one but two amazing events for you, back-to-back.
A must for any comic book fan!
How to Create a Brilliant Comic Book Characters with Neill Cameron and Sarah Bowie, in conversation with Alan Nolan
We are delighted to have UK comic book sensation, Neill Cameron, creator of the Mega Robo Bros with us for a very special comic book event! He will join Nina Peanut’s creator, Sarah Bowie and host with the most, Alan Nolan for a lively, illustrated chat about comic book characters they love and how they came up with their very own characters.
Ready, Steady, Draw – a Crazy Comic Book Event Where Anything Could Happen! with Aoife Dooley, Sarah Bowie, Neill Cameron and Karen Harte. Hosted by Alan Nolan
Join our comic book artists as they battle it out to be the best comic drawing team in the world (well, in Wicklow!) with help from the audience (yes, parents too!). This will be followed by a mega signing with all our speakers – Sarah Bowie, Neill Cameron, Aoife Dooley, Alan Nolan and Karen Harte – after the event at the Halfway up the Stairs pop-up bookshop on site
Sarah Bowie
Sarah Bowie is an author and illustrator based in Waterford. Her first comic book for children, Nina Peanut was Amazing was published to great acclaim and her second, Nina Peanut: Mega Mystery Solver has just been published. She is co-founder of The Comics Lab and of Ireland’s first Graphic Short Story Prize in partnership with The Irish Times.
Neill Cameron
Neill Cameron is a cartoonist and writer, creator of the graphic novel series Mega Robo Bros, the Freddy VS School illustrated novels, and frequent contributor to weekly children’s comic, The Phoenix. In 2018 Mega Robo Bros was chosen as one of the best children’s comics of the year by both the New York Public Library and the Schools Library Journal. Neill holds degrees in Philosophy and Information Technology, although what they have to do with drawing comics about robot brothers and pirate dinosaurs is frankly anyone’s guess.
Aoife Dooley
Aoife Dooley is an award-winning illustrator, writer and comedian. She is best known for her graphic novels for children, Frankie’s World and Finding My Voice. The stories are loosely based on her young self and feeling different from others. Aoife shares her own experiences around autism after getting a diagnosis in her late 20’s. She credits this discovery to helping her to finally understand herself for the first time.
Karen Harte
Karen Harte is an illustrator, comic creator and visual designer from Dublin. She has worked with a variety of clients such as Positive Period Ireland, Girls Rock Dublin, Fighting Words, the Dublin Feminist Film Festival and more. Her illustrations focus on playful visual storytelling and are informed by finding joy in the everyday. She is the illustrator of the Milly McCarthy books.
Alan Nolan
Alan Nolan is a comic creator and is the author and illustrator of children’s books such as Fintan’s Fifteen, Conor’s Caveman and the Sam Hannigan series. He is the illustrator of the popular Gordon’s Game books written by Gordon D’Arcy and Paul Howard, as well as Animal Crackers by Sarah Webb. His new book, Molly Malone & Bram Stoker in the Riddle of the Disappearing Dickens, the latest in his Molly & Bram series is out in September.