Julie Jay: Julie, Madly, Deeply

Having once again tricked her husband into another baby, Ireland’s most successful poor comedian Julie Jay is back with her brand new stand-up show Julie, Madly, Deeply. The show has been called the Eras tour of the Irish comedy scene with Dublin hotels doubling their prices in anticipation much to the consternation of Liveline listeners across the land.

As a Dingle native, Julie’s fear of dolphins saw her socially ostracised and craving love the way Ryan Tubridy craves the Kennedys. Every time a doorbell rings Julie rocks back and forth and repeats That Must Be Nigel With The Brie until a friend slaps her back to sanity. Julie doesn’t believe in evolution and is fairly sure her dad could also have fathered Kathryn Thomas (more on that later). Julie’s mortgage broker recently described her income as ‘volatile’ which can only be a good thing. Julie still maintains that Pat Kenny was the thinking 90s teenager’s Jason Donovan and that Kathy is just a fling – it is a Killiney hill she will die on.

 Julie once got mugged three times in one week in Colombia and you know what they say, mug me once shame on you mug me three times it’s time to accept travelling* isn’t for you. 

*and by travelling I mean crying over your ex in a different time zone. 

Listen she’s just happy to be out of the house and not making a dinner so come have a nice sit with her and let’s all have a laugh before we get clamped. “Riotous comedy…rambunctious, raucous riffs” – The Irish Times 

A joy to watch” – Joanne McNally 

The funniest thing I’ve seen in a long, long time” – Tommy Tiernan

Past Performances

Joe the Magician – Live
Sun / 29 Dec
It’s Joe the Magician from RTÉjr! And he’s bringing his spectacular c...
Dame Stuffy’s Christmas Comedy Cabaret
Fri / 27 Dec
Dame Stuffy (the Queen Of Ballymun), is bringing her hilarious comedy cabar...
Greystones Film Club: Elf
Sun / 22 Dec
Will Ferrell stars as the ultimate fish out of water, Buddy, who as a baby ...