Greystones Vocal Academy Student Showcase

Join students from Greystones Vocal Academy for a showcase end-of-year student concert. Talented young local singers will perform a variety of songs from pop and rock to musicals, jazz and the classics.

A wonderful treat on a Sunday afternoon and a chance to hear upcoming stars of the future! Plus some very special guests will be putting in an appearance too…

Accompanied by Justin McCann on piano.

Offering excellent vocal tuition for everyone, Greystones Vocal Academy was founded by local singer and vocal coach, Dara MacMahon, and helps each student achieve their full singing potential.

Past Performances

Don’t Change The Channel – it’s Mute The TV
Sat / 27 Apr
Mute The TV return to The Whale Theatre on Saturday, April 27th following t...
Tony Cantwell: Litterboxxx
Fri / 26 Apr
Tony Cantwell - Litterbox Viral sensation and cult favourite Tony Cantwe...
Songs for LauraLynn
Sun / 21 Apr
Join young singers Lauren Wallace and Rose Foster with special guests for...