Ahead of his Whale return on February 27th, DANNY O’BRIEN explains how Killa-Dan-Jaro came to be…

August 2023 was, to put it mildly, a hectic month for me.

Almost 100 live performances in 26 days at The Edinburgh Fringe, and with little to no sleep for the month due to being the victim of accommodation fraud (thus sending me to Scotland’s smallest/dampest/loudest student digs), I decided I wasn’t quite tired enough and that climbing the UK’s highest mountain, Ben Nevis, would be a good idea.

Needless to say, I barely survived and felt that climbing Killamanjaro would have to be the next logical step.

I then found out it was in Tanzania – but sure, I’d said I was doing it at that stage, and it was too late.

The challenge of preparing for this feat by hiking/training in the mountains of Wicklow for six months, plus a busy year of shows, podcasts, radio and TV in 2024, made it even more chaotic than the year before. I also did an unbearable amount of cold sea swims as well as 100 Days of Sobriety, just to up the aul stress levels.


There was something else consuming me though. I couldn’t let the fact that I’d been scammed like a damn fool in Edinbury, and after no less than three different police forces in as many different countries and countless hours of calls, admin and internet sleuthing, I eventually came face to face with my scammer nemesis from 2023.

The rest, as they say, is Irish history! Interested to hear what happened? Well my dear Greystonians, there’s only one way to find out!

I’ll see you in Greystones at The Whale Theatre on Friday, February 28th.

Very limited tickets left, with karaoke in The Happy Pear afterwards very much optional.

You can catch Danny O’Brien’s Killa-Dan-Jaro at The Whale on Friday, February 28th here: https://whaletheatre.ticketsolve.com/ticketbooth/shows/873649425


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